Monday, September 16, 2013

Trend 101: Bring on the Leather

Bring on the Leather

Leather is not just for jackets and boots anymore! Leather is making a big splash into fall fashion this year with leather skirts, purses, accessories, and more. Leather can create a very chic, edgy look especially when mixed with silver and gold accents like the boots, bracelet, and jacket pictured above. Leather skirts and pants are a great alternative to everyday fabrics because of the texture and visual appeal. Exchanging a pair of jeans for leather pants or a skirt update your look and gives it more fashion edge. However, if your not ready to commit to leather all the way, try shirts and pants with leather accents on the side or something as simple as leather purse that can also be used as a fashion basic in your closet.
How do you rock leather? 

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