Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hair 101: Change It Up

 No matter how many cute hairstyles you come up with, the same old bob or blonde highlights seems to turn into a uniform and the time comes to change it up! The best example of someone who knows about changing up their hair has to be Rihanna, she's had more than 3 different hairstyles all within the first few months of 2012! Rihanna is a master of risk taking and change and the key is to loosen up and experiment. The best way to change out your hair is to research different styles and even make a collage of everything that catches your eye and think about all the styles you have had before.When you finally come to one or two choices , be sure to consult with your hairdresser because they can help figure out how much of a change to make your hair. A quick tip is to use clip-in hair or extensions if you are scared of coloring your hair or want extra length and think about your lifestyle before doing anything too darastic.
What is your hairstyle for the spring/summer season?


  1. Rihanna is so creative with her hairstyles, and she looks good with every single one!
    For me, I had platinum blonde hair throughout the winter, but I cut myself some bangs for spring and I'm also thinking about get some lowlights.

  2. I love the red hair! It so rich and pops! She's gorgeous.

  3. I love everything about her and every hairstyle she has tried has looked amazing on her!


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